- Capitalism and Alternatives -
Go climb a tree!
Posted by: MDG on December 20, 1999 at 18:08:53:
In Reply to: Hot air don't save the world, or feed the poor, or right wrongs. posted by Farinata on December 20, 1999 at 16:07:29:

: 'Being a staunch environmentalist' means nothing unless you're prepared to get your hands mucky doing something about it. It's the difference between someone writing letters to your local representative and recycling bottles and someone who is prepared to spend two years of their life up a tree to stop it being cut down.My take on this exchange: sitting in a tree for two years is fine for young activists like that woman in the Northwest; more power to her. It's UNREALISTIC for a parent with a mortgage and a job. I'm just as outraged at environmental devastation as you are, F, and while I'm not a scientist like you, I try to keep up on the issues as much as possible, so that while I can' argue the science like you, at least I recognize all of the problems you talk about. However, I have a mortgage to pay and a wife who needs my contributions (financial, house chores) and children to feed and raise and a job with responsibilities, and I'm not about to perch in a tree for two years. This does not make me, or anyone like me, any less of an environmentalist than the tree sitter. Our responsibilities are different, that's all. I'm happy there are people with the time and freedom to perch in trees to stop clearcutting. I'm limited to writing letters and attending protests, but that's it. Don't condemn people whose life situations limit their activism.

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