: "I'm Spartacus! No, I'm Spartacus!" There's more of us than them, Lark (by the way, that was in reference to the grown-up Spartacus, not the juvie youth league).See I really liked that picture, since I met the Trot mormons of the same name it's never been the same.
: I think you're right. As I've said too many times now, I can't so much as utter a curious peep to some people without being labelled The Man.
: It reminds me of the time I got into an argument with some guy on the street who was seeking support for the Shining Path. I told him I thought the oppression of the Peruvian people was horrible, but that murder of the people in the name of the people seemed a tad inconsistent. Big mistake. He launched into me as if I were the second coming of, oh, I dunno, some awful bloody dictator (like Mao, perhaps?) with a look in his eyes containing all the soul of a white shark. As far as I was concerned, he was just as dangerous as any fascist (hmmm...where have I heard those words before?)
That happens to me all the time, although I've been in more than a few punch ups with the Trots, which gets me a label of nasty anarchist person and then I go to anarcho meetings and they think I'm strange because I vote and write letters to the government about welfare reform.