- Capitalism and Alternatives -
Yikes! I can only plead temporary insanity. Off to McDonalds...
Posted by: Frenchy on December 12, 1999 at 17:26:41:
In Reply to: Yeah. Right. posted by Dr. Cruel on December 11, 1999 at 21:21:58:

: No, Frenchy. "Veganism" isn't the solution - "Reaganism" is. Until communists allow businesses to do something about the underdeveloped nature of these nations, however, all the lettuce eating in the world won't do the poor and hungry one bit of good.Once again, thanks for your bright beacon of hope in navigating the shoals and rocks of these treacherous shores. I am now resolutely back on course and maintaining a vigil over all danger bearings. Thanx and a hat tip!~

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