: : : I read that, I thought it was incredible that you would go to such lengths to clear Trotsky's name, St. Trotsky must mean a lot to you Barry I think you'll find he doesnt mean that much to everyone else so if you ever want to be more attractive than the mormons lose the puesdo-religious zeal and check out alternatives.Lark, you should stop your silly little character assasinations if you want to be more attractive than a CLOSE-MINDED, DIM BULB. Barry has clocked your ass at every turn and yet you continue to prattle on about Stalin, fascists, gunman, etc. Why can't you admit you were wrong? Why do you continue with your wild, groundless, accusations?
: : What a sore loser.
: : Can't you just admit that Crick pulled a quote out of context and I proved it?
: I doesnt make a difference to me either way, I dont have the same pusedo-religious loyalty to the writtings of get prophets like you do and your just proving it with posts like these.
Right. Your loyalties are to your own ego and to liberals who pull quotes out of context.
: When's your next Sparticous Prayer meeting?
What a fine example. That last line says it all!