: : With all the rancor here lately, I've been wondering if this is a mostly males chat board, and if so, if it's just a cyberversion of males competing to see whose gonads contain the hardiest sperm.: : Anyway, I think it might be illuminating if we found out something more about who it is we're speaking to (and yelling at). Therefore, if you don't mind, please answer the following:
: : 1) Are you a male or female?
: : 2) How old are you?
: : 3) Where are you from?
: : I'm a 36 year old male who lives in Silver Spring, Maryland (just outside Washington, D.C.)
: I'm a troll by profession, a male troll. I hesitate to give my age because it's nobody's business; but I will say the Methuslah is an adolescent in my book. I'm from under the bridge just down the street from you, you know, the G. Washington Expressway. When I'm not combing the hairballs out of my dreadlocks I enjoy snacking on Liberals/Communists.
Er, I meant, Virginian. Sorry to hear that, actually. Nobody deserves to live under the rule of Governor Gilmore and soon-to-be Senator Bob Forehead, a.k.a. George Allen.