- Capitalism and Alternatives -
Posted by: stacey ( Canada ) on December 09, 1999 at 10:51:10:

Dear Guy, When I first heard about communism I thought it sounded great too. Yes, it would rid of any class structure. IN theory communism is a great idea but in reality....no way. If society ever wanted a communist world, there would need to be an enormous shift in humanity. NOt only does it come down to the selfishness of the leader but moreover the selfishness of people. I don't think I would become a doctor if I was going to make the same amount of money as some business man. What I am saying is that no ideology will ever succeed. And now for a little optimism. Who needs politics? Let's just say we were all moral awesome individuals...there would be no need for any form of government. Here's an idea...find the woman of your dreams and move to the country to start a family. Teach your kids values. See YA ! ! !

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