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Public Health announcement. McFrenchy = McFascism.
Posted by: Lark ( Tradition of Sedition, Ireland ) on December 08, 1999 at 17:03:27:
In Reply to: McStalin...6 billion murdered to date. posted by Frenchy on December 08, 1999 at 16:33:29:

And that everyone is the irrational rant and rangle of the Bona Fida Yankee Neo-Nazi, dont give references because he wont read them, dont debate because he's not interested, dont rationalise because he aint rational, dont mention economics or politics because he'd rather meander on about race and religion.For anyone who's just stopped by Frenchy is the resident neo-nazi, who hates coloured folk unless they're fleeing Cuba and who hates the crimes and violent oppression of 'communism' but thinks that the nazi's of South Africa and the US are nice folk you'd like to have tea with since they've never commited a crime in their lives. Disregard his statistics because, as any good statistician will tell you, correlation does not prove causation and disregard his views because even if you attempt to be nice to him he'll give you this shit about scoffing at his views and call you an asshole, well all I can say is that those facists are pretty badly done by what with having their views rejected by civilised folk and they have the IQ of assholes the lot of them.

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