How do two pseudo-Christians get together on this bulletin board? By posting to each other in long, silly threads and not forgetting to omit all talk of the WTO, etc. Here's a fine example
F: : Marxist Theory?? I don' need no steekin' Marxist Theory! Stu: Nor do I, French.
Stu: The point was that no matter how much one spends with these elaborate value theories, the world keeps turning.
Qx: No matter how much you try Stu, society keeps on changing and leaving fundies in the lurch.
Stu: Productivity and efficiency has created the wealth that these guys want to get their mitts on. Their precious labor value theory exists only to fabricate a moral rationalization for the theft they advocate.
Qx: Yeah, Adam Smith and David Ricardo would easily agree with you. (LOL). It's time to learn economics outside of the Bible.
Stu: Notice how amazingly complex a rationalization for theft must be in order to soothe one's conscience.
Qx: That's why neo-classical economics was devised Stu. Or did'nt you know that?

"Productivity and efficiency has created the wealth that these guys want to get their mitts on. Their precious labor value theory exists only to fabricate a moral rationalization for the theft they advocate."- Stu Gort
F: Or, 'Trust ME! I would never do what Stalin and Mao and Pol Pot and Castro and etc did. I'm different."....yeah, right.
Qx: We all know you're different Normand. We all know that you would just love the WTO, MAI, free trade (i.e., monopolistic dominance), the New World Order and Stu does too. Ever read the Bible and how some see the ends of days exemplified in such monstrocisties as the WTO? Apparently, you guys can't.