: : :
: : : : Notice how short that post was.: : : Notice how much meaning and purpose it contained to, er, subtotal of nil, actual total of zilch.
: : In other words, under one system value is created while under the other value is destroyed.
: Under one system nothing is valued, capitalists know the price of everything and the value of nothing.
But Lark, value is being created every day, every hour precisely by the method of a person, or a combination of persons, coming together with a plan for a new mouse trap. Are people all over the world so dull they've been duped for so many years and in such large numbers? What you say may be true for you, but what others believe in terms of value is surely as true for them. If you insist that you have the real truth, the straight skinny, you've got to be able to prove it, not just say abracadabra! surplus value! and control markets by diktat.