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Duke Five Spot, European nobility....
Posted by: Frenchy on December 01, 1999 at 11:23:13:
In Reply to: The View from a McDonaldized Brain. posted by Quincunx on December 01, 1999 at 10:34:33:

God, you are such a snot. "...the American mindset...", you twerp. The only reason that I posted that article was becase Nickel Jack claimed that Zimbabwe was a successful socialist nation, along with other shining examples such as Nicaragua etc. I hereby dedicate the above post, the one about the frustrated and resentful intellectuals, written by Von Mises, to you. You certainly sound as if you think your God's gift to humanity, a regular seer, but unfortunately others don't see your Continental wisdom, borne of centuries of inbreeding between the nobility of Europe, no doubt. Rx for superiority complex; get over it.

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