In war-torn Leningrad, the city was surrounded by the evil Hitlerites, supposedly to be starved into submission. At the time, food was particularly valuable...Stoller:
Monopoly conditions ALTER the LTV (which was predicated upon competitive capitalism)---as anyone who actually read Capital will surely recall...
: Food in a city under siege is not a commodity under 'monopoly' conditions. It is rare, far less available than the demand would warrant.
That's a beautiful example of card-stacking there, Doc.
Is not something 'rare, far less available than the demand would warrant' IN FACT monopoly?
Marx: '[Monopoly is] a price only limited by the state of demand, i.e., of demand backed by ability to pay...' (Theories of Surplus-Value, Progress 1968, p. 332).
: P.S. It would seem that you fare poorly in this "debate". Perhaps we should switch sides; at least then you'd have the possibility of working from a position of self-evident fact.
I couldn't keep up with your concatenated, twisted chain of non-sequiturs and contradictions, Doc...