- Capitalism and Alternatives -
Dateline Greece- 10,000 protest American arrogance
Posted by: Nikhil Jaikumar ( DSA, MA, USA ) on November 29, 1999 at 12:32:19:

Anybody hear about the anti-US demonstrations that greeted our spineless president when he went to Greece? It gave me a warm feeling inside to see Bill Clinton's capitalist face rubbed in the dirt. The guy thought that he's ingratiated himself with everyone; perhaps he thought that the price for selling out his principles (if he ever had them) was that everyone woudl like him. time has shown how hollow that bargain was. His last year in office has begun with two massive protests; first in Greece, and now in Seattle at the World Trade conference.Apparently teh demmonstrations in Greece were spearheaded by the large Communist Party and the Anarchists. Even the moderate Socialist Party of the late Andreas Papandreou, however, has a history of standing up to American dominance and steering a neutralist course. From what I heard, the demonstrations involved plenty of flag burning and destruction of shops. To be honest,the Greeks were protestinbg 3 diffgerent things (American suppression of Greek democracy in the '60s and '70s,American neutralism over the Greek/Turkish struggle in Cyprus, and the bombing of Yugoslavia). I only really sympathize with the first. But in spite of all that, it's about time that Clinton and our Establsihment wake up to the fact that many people in the world don't want to be like americam nor to do what America tells them.

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