: I'm sure everyone here has heard about the five year old boy from Cuba who was found floating a mile and a half off of Ft. Lauderdale.
: He, along with a dozen or so adults decided they had enough of the Workers Paradise (yes, even with job rotation) and decided to vamoose for El Norte. Too bad, so sad, everybody except the 5 yr. old.kid died enroute.
: Wouldn't it be terrific if we had some ex-Commies here from Havana on this board so they could settle some of the burning issues here, such as what is a sectarian socialist/communist, and are they more genuine then a regular communist/socialist? I'm dying to know.
*Sounds very similiar to the story here in California about 6 months ago when 12 "illegals" (those men/woman/children/ who slave for less than minimum wage in the 100°+ heat to protect you and I from having to pay one nickel more than we need to for that head of lettuce) were found asphyxiated to death in the back of the moving van employed to transport them to the field... including two girls aged 9 and 11. No charges were filed against the owner of the field.
Cuba is a Third World nation under a 38 year embargo enforced by the most powerful nation on the planet which offers automatic citizenship to any Cuban who washes up on our shores (care to examine what happens to Haitian boat people or Mexicans or Guatemalans who cross the border escaping US sponsored poverty and oppression??). This is a First World country and arguably the wealthiest nation in history. What's our excuse?
Not holding my breath for an answer...* --K