: : Presently the only way a worker can 'own stock' is by selling his / her labor-power---which generally fetches only enough to keep labor-power maintained (according to socially determined historical needs). A pyramid scheme prevents 'everyone owning stock' in the capitalist paradigm---just as it prevents everyone from becoming a boss.: No. It allows everyone an opportunity to work where and in the manner they chose or own stock.
That's like saying everyone has an opportunity to win the lottery today. We all KNOW that lotteries are set up so MOST EVERYONE loses!
: : The capitalist mode of production---with its rationalization, automation, and incredible productivity---IS capable of freeing people from drudgery. Only the PROFITS of the minority prevents this from happening.
: You got it backwards. Profits are the fuel of this capitalist engine and its incredible productivity.
No---you are NOT catching the dialectical materialism idea at all.
The mode of production (industrialization, rationalization, automation) creates the productivity; the social relations attached to it, in many cases, simply holds back productivity.
(Remember how Xerox sat on their computer R & D for ten years?)
Anyway: Profits are not productivity. The LABOR of millions of workers (paid LESS than what they produce) creates productivity. And they seem to be PLENTY productive without profits!
: And what of the spoils of govt....
Straw man.
Who says I'm defending THIS government?
BTW, was your title question in this post at all?