: : Perhaps you could enlarge upon the idea...: Utilitarians and economists have never had more than an imaginary measure ('utils') to describe the increased satisfaction,happines, contentment, feeling of accomplishment, esteem and hundreds of other qualitative concepts.
NOW I get it!
Capitalists use an 'imaginery measure' of 'qualitative concepts' when calculating constant + varibale capital.
NO WONDER it's called the subjective theory of value.
Or perhaps the IMAGINARY theory of value would be as apt...
: "Go find the Fed Research, they're up just above Everest, where the air is thin."
: Which to anyone else means ' its the Federal Governments own research - if you consider that to be a 'thin air' conjuration of my own then go look for it yourself, where you seem to think it comes from. '
That's NOT a citation, Gee, that's a dodge.
Why should I look for YOUR evidence?
If it DOESN'T EXIST, I won't find it, will I?
: Finally - you said somewhere that you were to 'give up' on me. I wasnt aware you had invested something you now had to give up - but feel free to do so properly, or is that another statement similar to 'im outta here' as promised following your whine that the damn philistines were not admiring your lovely long posts enough.
If ya don't like 'em, don't read 'em...