: : : :: If you actually READ Capital LIKE YOU SAID YOU DID, we wouldn't be having such pointless debates, Gee.: : : Those ignorant proles are going to need a priest, methinks. I wonder who is in line for that job?
: :
: : Indeed, anyone who takes the economic ramblings of a loser like Marx seriously is an "ignorant prole".
: Well at least your not trying to pretend your argument is based on reason, understanding of the positions of your opponents and intellectual and scholarly endevour any more. Prejudice is thy name.
Don: When someone calls me an "ignorant prole", I tend to respond that way.
: Indeed, anyone who takes to the economic ramblings of a loser like Friedmann seriously is an 'ignorant bourgousie'.
Don: Well at least your not trying to pretend your argument is based on reason, understanding of the positions of your opponents and intellectual and scholarly endevour any more. Prejudice is thy name.