: : : : The "mainstream liberals," check out this article.:
: : Susan Sontag, on the other hand, is a lying anticommunist pig.
**Sorry about that! I tried the handy-dandy link-creator (I probably left in two "http's" or something) ...here's that link to an article on Kosovo** --K:
: *Check out this article on the Serbian 'atrocities' piece to all of this also... I wouldn't mind so much if the people in SDF's submitted article could just admit, "OK, ok... we were wrong to listen to that country club for militarists (NATO) and we admit that more civilian deaths were caused by NATO bombing than all the 'mass grave' rhetoric combined... one up, old boy." The thing is guys, didn't the Iraqi's-throwing-babies-out-of-incubators hysteria teach you anything?
: "Liberals and terrorists are the fabled two-headed monster... in their shared heart, neither has any faith in the masses." --Lenin