: Communism can not work because of "Human Nature.....etc
I agree with that, that was a part of why it failed.: Doing good for yourself is indeed self interest, greed even the word 'Greed' has taken on such a negative connotation that you would not apply it to somoene seeking to feed and clothe himself and his loved ones, enjoy a holiday, enjoy seeing a movie, desire a bigger house and all the other things....etc
The difference between taking care of yourself and greed is that greed does not take into consideration others, how it will effect and harm others. This happened at the high end of the socila lader as well as it did in the low end. ---- Human Nature. This started happening more and more after the PERISTRIOKA. Pelople started to see the western world and how they are doing, so they desided to do the same if they could, so the borders opend and free trade was a possability (and just like the Pandora Box .. all hell broke loose)
: : Communism takes away mans ability to think for himself.
: Kind of the idea, one (assuming identity with self is PC) is to think for the group interest.
Totaly disagree with that. Evryone assumes that all comunists are the same and evryone looks alike and they are all brain-washed.
This is also is prevented by the Human Nature.
: People carry on thinking in self interest anyway, they either do it in moral defiance of quasi religious guilt, but they still do it. When a particularly homogenous group (in terms of goals and interests) get to gether then self interest andf group interest may be highly compatible.
Communism is the ultimate form of religousness. Communism and religion like apes and humans .... one is simply more addvanced but still 99.5% alike. Both religion and communism have one sole father persona that sparked their existance. They in both you have to comply to the rest and follow rulles. And just as religous people cheat, kill, steal, betray .... so do communists.
: This leaves a collectivist social engineer several options.
: 1. Change the way people think - I'd say that would be impossible without changing the nature of man as individual beings.
Communism failed at that, religion is still trying to do it.
: 2.Try to group people according to shared interests etc - logisitcally diffult unless you can find such, and then there are problems pf group v group.
This is exactlly why there is so may different religous groups that are practicly the same but ilude to being different so that people feel special if they belong to the group. Communism tried to eliminate thet so that there is no conflicts.
: 3.Try to get groups to develop shared interests etc. Difficult but state 'education' is one tool.
I don't see how education that is exeptionally good and free is a bad point though. Scools/Institutions there are teaching contemporary sciences when here there are still schools teaching old Newtonian and Anti-Darwin ideas.
: 4.Force them - a tool to mix with the others, if the become dissidents by not agreeing to collectivity then remove them to a suitable gulag.
So are pelpe that do not comly to religous rules, but in communism it is done rather cruller.