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ABC and McD Subliminal Advertising
Posted by: S Shriver ( BMC, US ) on October 20, 1999 at 01:05:46:
CEO Michael Eisner of the Disney Corporation which owns American Broadcasting Corp (ABC TV) has, it is known, publicly lauded the growing appetite for meat in China.. and has said that the Big Mac will be more popular than Mickey (Mouse). Mr. Eisner has a vegan chef since his heart problems materialized. ABC has a 10 year marketing agreement with McD. Some critics believe that ABC is entering into subliminal advertising with McD.. flashing messages of which the viewer is not consciously aware. Mr. Eisner is in a similar ethical position to the former owner of Jack In The Box.. who was a vegetarian and yet provided ecoli kangaroo and cow meat for his clientele. ABC has also for years secretly backed the animal rights diatribes of Rush Limbaugh's Excellence In Broadcasting Network.
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