- Campaigns -Think Globally-BUY LOCAL!!!!!!!!!!
I am fortunate enough to live in a semi-rural area. Whenever I buy fruits and vegetables, I try almost always to buy local produce from the farms in my area (I can be assured of the quality and of pesticide free fruits and veggies by knowing where my food came from!) I try to buy the meat that I eat (I have to have it once in awhile as I am anemic and vitamin supplements just don't do the complete trick) from local farms. I can see these farms easily-the cattle roam over wide fields, they are grass and grain fed, they are not mistreated in any way. now I know most of the people that post here are vegetarians so please dont get offended at the fact that I eat meat-I don't eat that much and when I do I try to get it locally, that way I know where my meat is coming from and the animals aren't living in unsuitable conditions like on larger commercial farms like the ones that supply fast food restaurants. I also know that the rain forest wasn't destroyed to make my meal. ![]()