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France in panic about Ronald hostages

Posted by: Boud Roukema ( France ) on April 20, 1998 at 10:06:19:

According to the newspaper Le Monde, a couple of 2.5m high
Ronalds were kidnapped, apparently with their consent, from McDonald's
outlets close to Paris (in the Essonne and Seine-et-Marne
departements), several weeks ago. This made front page news in Le
Monde of 15 April, including the
web site.

The "eco-warriors" responsible are giving regular press releases,
and messages from the "victims" (John and Pamela Ronald) to reassure
friends, family and police, who are presumably out on a massive mac-hunt, sorry, man-hunt.

The site's totally in French (what I've read anyway), don't
be afraid to jump in - the daily journal kept by John and Pamela is
quite amusing... Hostages often side with their kidnappers, and in this
case, John and Pamela seem very relieved to have been freed from
McDonald's, assuming that the journal is in fact authentic ;-). There's
a picture of the two Ronald's, after a change of clothes and presumably
a hot shower, and their smiles look genuine.


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