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Re: Complaining information about Mcspotlight
Posted by: sue ( US ) on December 31, 1997 at 14:45:22:
In Reply to: Complaining information about Mcspotlight posted by lechuga verde on January 21, 1997 at 20:33:58:
: view of our world. Think globaly, act locally. So we do hope to : receive information about other groups of the world. Our work will : grow up with your ideas and our own work. : The first of a million kisses. : Not e-mail. Inf&Lib. Facultad CC Información. 28040.Madrid.España(Spain)Taking McDonalds to task about its A: Cholestral in food? Gee, like we don't know that it's fattening! What about Sara Lee, Hostess, Ben and Jerry's? Oh and I love animal issue, you could argue that all you animal rights activists are taking up space that animals would use for habitat, but I guess that doesn't count, do you drive a car? Well, quit driving, millions of animals are slaughtered on the highway every day. Pollution? Litter is a personal responsibility, people throw out McLitter, McDonalds isn't driving down the street throwing out their trash, and the chemical pollution, well the shoes you wear, the grocery packaging of the food you eat, the car you drive, the hair products, makeup, all companies that I'm sure have a dandy environmental record, and of course my favorite that the advertising is geared to children: No shit? So are toy ads, CD's , video games, nike, adidas, candy and cookie companys, need I go on? Talk about ignorant.
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