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Bird Flu McNuggets and fries,please

Posted by: Luke Kuhn ( Utopian Anarchist Party, USA ) on December 30, 1997 at 19:57:33:

News from Hong Kong:We now have yet another reason not to eat poultry in any form. A type of flu previously seen only in poultry(the "bird flu" has now managed to spread to humans and (so far only very slowly)spread between them. This flu has so far infected only 20 known people-bt it has KILLED four of them. This is a mortality rate of 20% FROM A DISEASE NORMALLY THOUGHT OF AS HARMLESS! Let everyone remember the flu epidemic of 1918 that killed more people than the war that proceeded it. That's right, a flu epidemic, spead by conditions the war generated,killed more people in less than a year than WWI killed in four.
While we are being told that you cannot get the virus frm COOKED chicken(heat does kill most living things), todays cooked chicken used to be a LIVE chicken. Since chickens are the primary resevoir for bird flu, once it established itself we live in proximity to it and it has plenty of exposure to humans just waiting for that one last mutation that will give it the ability to be transmitted from person to person quickly and efficiently. Indeed, the reason Western man has always had so many diseased to give the rest of the world is living in close proximity to livestock in primitive(and medieval) times. All of our colds and flus are believed to be of animal origin(not to mention AIDS-possibly spread to us by eating monkeys).
As a result, the purchase of ANY chicken prodcts props up the poultry industry, and by making it larger increases the amount of chickens, hence the amount of opportunity for "bird flu" to adapt itself to people (more farmers, more chickens, more chances). All it takes to bring it here is one person who has handled live chickens in Hong Kong or possibly elsewhere in China to get on a plane for here and then handle live chickens here. He might not even get sick, but if he gives it to the chickens the clock starts ticking and the dice start rolling. In fact, if he travelled to ANY other country the process could begin there and, once a human-compatable epidemic begins,we all roll "snake-eyes."

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