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Putting authority in it's proper place

Posted by: Quincunx ( IWW ) on April 21, 1998 at 04:06:15:

In Reply to: dont see how it can replace law and order posted by GERARD on April 20, 1998 at 11:31:25:

: : Qx: Thanks Gerard. We can use your company over there. Even if you feel an anarcho-syndicalist is a liberal idealist.

: QX your a fantastic utopian idealist who's maybe tainted with naivety but it's great to have idealists about.

Qx: No I'm not. I've lived in the worst places America has to offer and done time in prisons that could give H-Block a run for it's money. I don't engage in fantasies but instead I'm a union organizer.That's not exactly a healthy vocation that pays much. As a matter of fact it pays zilch.

Also utopia means no place when seen and read in the Latin. I'm definitely not striving to build a no-place.

G: I'm more than for syndicalism I just dont see how it can replace law and order.

Qx: There are many alternatives such as community based policing and nonesuch. For example, kneecappings aren't necessary if consensus decision making can be implemented in a community. Law and order rings a bad tone over here where police forces are merely invaders and agents of corporate power in so many instances. That's not law and that's not order. Only battle lines in ongoing tensions that underlie the capitalist warping of North American society.

G: Cheers, you know since Everret and all left (Nat, etc.) we're part of the few veterans left.

Qx: Oh well, we all come and go. I'm sure there'll be plenty of more brawls along much the same lines and with the good guys winning and the pro-capitalists wondering if they should read some more or not.


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