Right Floyd I've got a lecturer at Uni who is giving Darwinism a really bad name, you see he keeps treating the 'survival of the fitest' Harsh Spencerian Capitalist Social Darwinism as synominous with actual Darwinism, I wondered if you could give me any tips?I know about Kropotkins 'Mutual Aid a Factor in Evolution' but was that really closer to Darwins position than Spencer?
The only compromise the lecturer has made when contradicted was to admit that following the logic of 'survival of the fitest' people may choose to co-operate for mutual success or benefit or protection by reining in the conflict and competition by creating a system of law and order but I think this is still all very Spencer as opposed to Kropotkin, dont you?
Besides I thought evolutionary theory was more a case of survival of the most capable 'odd ball' than a conscious struggle, isnt it?
Another thing he was getting stuck into the British National Secular Society because he said, although I'll admit it was in a very blaise manner not that serious, they where promoting atheism, surely any sincere secularist is non-partisan enough not to promote any varient of theism, deism or atheism?