: : You can't have it both ways, Sam. : The difference is that 'black power' is a subversive call to racial equality, 'white power' is a call for supremacy, there are exceptions like Farraka but with my experience of parades I'd like to say that no one has any business organising exclusive alientating parades.
I react to the increasingly monolithic subversion of Christian doctrine in inner city churches with a purely social message. More and more there are churches and groups of churches making social reform the center of their existence instead of the Gospel of Christ. This is a result of them concluding that race baiting drives the masses and their tithes into the church quicker than the Spirit will. I don't suppose you get much over there as to the real state of affairs in most of these inner city churches but I assure you, the Gospel message has been dispensed with long ago in most of them.
That may not impact you as seriously it does me because of your own inclination to see the Gospel as socially oriented. The Black movement, however is mostly controlled by the parsites that would feed on a malcontented segement of society by keeping them angry. When that is practiced by those ostensibly acting as Christians, I am greatly offended. You should be too.
Stuart Gort