: Also, can you please give me a definition of private life, just so I don't accidentaly offend you by talking about my private life. I'm sorry your being so hostile mate ;), you obviously thik I'm some kind of totalitarian nutbar, I'm not, I'm just appealing to people to exercise a bit of consideration for others. I dont find expressions of sexuality that disgusting but I do think that is a time or a place, I wouldnt go racing through parks screaming 'get a damn room' :) I would however myself seek to keep that kind of thing to a minimum in my relationships, I think intemacy is great for couples but, hey, I dont go scrawling things about sex on walls or the like so some small child ends up asking their parents what does 'I want a big dick rammed in me, 3.00 pm' mean.
I'm making an appeal, if these people want equality they have to live by the codes of conduct and decency that we heterosexuals do.