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Iowa vs. Texas? No Contest.
Posted by: Deep Dad Nine on December 22, 1999 at 10:14:46:
In Reply to: It's gotta be worse in Texas posted by MDG on December 21, 1999 at 16:16:54:

Wow, how strange that you mention Texas next. I just moved from Iowa to Texas two months ago. Is it worse here in Texas? We might be comparing apples to oranges here. Texas is a big damn state with 10 or 20 times as many people in it than Iowa. Texas is a mixed bag of nuts culturally, geographically, politicaly, etc. To be a vegetarian in Iowa, or to be even just a free thinker, is to be a hopelessly outcast freak of nature. Iowa is pretty much one giant poisonous hog production facility with a mentallity to match, but in Texas, all you have to do is move to Austin (its capital) and you'll be surrounded by several hundred thousand vegetarians, new agers, intellectuals, hippies, gangsters, gays, you name it. I'm sure there enough diversity to support a herbivorous lifestyle in the other half dozan major cities here as well. Yes, Texas is beef crazy, but even when Oprah came here to body slam their beef industry on national television, she had tremendous support from other Texans. She wouldn't find that kind of support in Iowa had she gone there to defend a libel suit over pork. There'd also be a greater likelyhood that the judge would be closely related to someone who depended on the pork industry (if he wasn't an ex pork or corn farmer himself). One more thing: Organically grown fruit and vegetables or even LOCALLY grown fruit and vegetables in IOWA are about as common as Iranian porn stars. Where I sit right now in Texas, I'm a ten minute walk from not just one, but two terrific organic grocery stores. If I feel like driving, I can get to three or four others very quickly.

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