- Anything Else -bad christians
There seems to be some cofusion, mainly because Christians no longer know how to act like Christians. They hate, and condemn, and belittle, and reject. That is not Chritianity. That is not any religion; that is pure, unadulterated hate. Christ didn't hate. He ate with prostitutes, stayed with corrupt political leader. He never once said that God hates "fags". I gaurantee that anyone who says that is small minded, hateful, uneducated, and only trying to cover their small thoughts with big words. People have been twisting the words of the Bibe for so long, and I have kept quiet the whole time. Well, no more. I am sick of all the assumptions, and immediate rejections of the ideas and beliefs of Christianity. The easiest thing to do about an idea is reject it and say it is wrong. If you disagree with me, I would love for you to e-mail me at silvrrocket@hotmail.com and tell me about it. People have a very twited view of Christianity, and it causes a lot of people un-necessary pain. It's time someone stopped the hate. ![]()