watched a commericial, saw a movie? I can tell ya that hetero sex is EVERYWHERE everyday! I think you forget that being gay is not the sum total of practicing anal sex. One's orienation is not about a sex act it is about intimacay, attraction and connection. If it were about a sex act every husband and wife who had anal sex would be gay. If you are celibate are you any less heterosexual? no. Please do not try to label lesbians and gays by sex acts. It's ridiculous. As attitudes like yours still persist there is still a need for gays to push forward to ensure their own protection.
Did you know that a lover can be denied access to the intensive care unit if their partner is in there and the family requests it? How about lack of financial/property proteection in commonlaw gay relationships? wills? custody? tax breaks? insurance policies? hmmmmmm? there are tons of inadequacies and inequalities.