- Anything Else -You won't like this.In Reply to: Yes there is posted by Hunter and Proud on December 08, 1999 at 11:09:39:
: I have been over this time and time again ever since i started debating. Your right i don't have to kill for my food.I choose to. Yes it is for the meat because i feel game meat is better for you then cow or pig, but your right in saying thats not the only reason. i Think hunting is fun, and i love hunting it is something that i enjoy.It is partly the rush and the whole experience of a weekend of hunting. Being in a blind with my cousin calling in ducks for me, since i havent learned how to call yet, is something that i enjoy. I know you're going to ask then why not use a camera but i have been over that to it just isn't the same experience it doesn't produce the same results(which to you would be death and to me would be meat and also death)It is an experience which cannot beexplained through words. I'm sorry it can't be, i wish it could to explain to you but it can't. ![]()