- Anything Else -

Sorry, can't agree with you there.

Posted by: Gotch on December 07, 1999 at 15:46:58:

In Reply to: It's just wrong posted by Jay on December 07, 1999 at 10:45:00:

:Ask yourself this question. If killing and inflicting suffering on others makes you cool, then I'm wrong, but it doesn't make you cool when you cause death and suffering, so really, who is the 'lower being' animals or humans???
: Over all, it's just wrong.

:I'm 13 years old and a vegitarian, I'm not against the human race, I'm adopting a child in a foreign country. I just think that animal testing is wrong... and nobody cares.

Sorry, can't agree with you there.

Testing something on a human is NOT AT ALL like testing it on an animal, nor is killing an animal at all like killing a human.

Question: Do you ever eat meat? If so, is that the same thing as eating another human? Obviously, the answer is no.

Am I in favor of torturing animals? The answer is no. We have a pet cat and a pet dog, and I grew up on a dairy farm where we raised all kinds of animals. We wouldn't have considered torturing our animals just for the sake of torturing them. However, we had no qualms about killing the rats and mice that destroyed our grain. Rattlesnakes were not accepted in the barn. And I still kill cockroaches when I see them around.

However, using an animal to test a product -- particularly a medical product or procedure that will keep my children or YOU alive is NOT torture, even though the animal may suffer. Does the doctor torture me when he gives me a shot? No, the procedure causes pain but that isn't the same thing as torture.

Do some animals suffer in the testing procedures? Yes, and most facilities take care of that the best that they can (yes, I know that some are unscrupulous sometimes), but the necessity remains.

And finally and most importantly, in the Bible God commands that we recognize the sanctity of human life. Animals are in an entirely different category over which man has dominion and stewardship responsibilities.

And that's the way I see it.

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