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the various books of the Bible were written by various people, not by God.
Posted by: Paul Robinson ( Lifelong agnostic, USA ) on November 29, 1999 at 12:30:50:
In Reply to: Borders on blasphemy. posted by Philip on November 24, 1999 at 00:44:24:

Phillip, I'm far from an authority on the subject, but as I understand, the various books of the Bible were written by various people, not by God. Granted, it is claimed they were "divinely inspired" or "prophets". But men, nonetheless.As to the pecking order, I suggest you look around at the other animals: the male - being larger and stronger - is usually (not always) dominant. This is sensible, for the leader (in all but human society) defends the rest. This allows the female a degree of protection, desireable during pregnancy and child-rearing. As for Man being made in God's image, there's something wrong with that whole concept. God has no need for gender - no one has suggested there may one day be little Gods running around. So He is neither male nor female. And if, as suggested, He is everywhere at all times, then He has no need for any of our corporal structures. No legs or arms, etc. No body required. Ergo it seems He(!) can only be a Supreme Intelligence or Mind. In which case we aren't the only ones made in His image (i.e: having minds) - for all of the other animals are capable of thought on some level. Ah, but then, what do I know? Agnostic Paul

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