- Anything Else -
If you want to help the planet
Posted by: Paul Robinson ( USA ) on November 29, 1999 at 12:29:21:
In Reply to: BUY NOTHING DAY!! posted by Nicki on November 26, 1999 at 11:39:54:

Nicki, I could not possibly agree m ore with the idea of not shopping the day after Thanksgiving. However, I am not sure such behavior will in any way benefit our little planet. It's just the sheer stupidity of much of the citizenry in believing they will actually find savings in their purchases. Oh, in the items advertised, certainly -= but how about the other stuff they pick up "while they're there"? Ay, there's the rub! No bargains there, to be sure.If you want to help the planet, start by encouraging birth control. We homo saps are up to some 6 Billion now. Talk about pollution: we are it! Hey, I didn't help: sired 4 kids when none or one would have been better for the planet. (Their kids number 8 - see where this leads? And folks talk about rabbits!) That's 12 more cars polluting, God knows how many more plastic grocery bags. Or how many more trees for the paper the 12 use and/or generate.Then there's the 12 more houses and garages with the essential streets and sidewalks further paving over the land and crowding out other life forms. And on and on.....

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