Kevin, you damage your credibility by resorting to unnecessary obscenities. (And, by the way, you weren't called a liar unless...)
As one who used to hunt, I feel qualified to jump in here. As stated, hunting is not a comfortable "sport", but the adrenalin "rush" one feels when game is sighted is infinitely more profound than merely seeing, say, a deer in the wild. Exciting is probably the appropriate term. Interesting would be appropriate for merely seeing a deer.As to the "rights" of various life forms, all life forms except some bacteria exist by preying on other life forms. You apparently feel that animal forms are "better" than plant forms. Why? Both are alive. Both have some senses - perhaps all that we have. (Plants appreciate light, heat, moisture, nutrients, touch, airborne chemicals). Pulling that radish (or a dandelion!) from your garden is killing just as much as shooting a duck or a deer. Or butchering that steer raised specifically so you could enjoy steak. Efficientcy? I guess you could say the steer was grown in an animal garden, like the radish was in a vegetable garden. Does that make it O.K.?
If you object to killing for food, as you seem to, then you must limit your nutritional intake to water and ripe fruit (ensuring that you plant any contained seeds, else you have destroyed life). What your life expectancy will then be I can only guess.
I hunt no more, for unnecessary killing saddens me. Be that killing plant or animal - including human. Killing essential to my, or others', life is quite acceptable.