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Some references to the history wars
Posted by: Samuel Day Fassbinder ( Citizens for Mustard Greens, USA ) on November 08, 1999 at 16:15:57:
In Reply to: Dont judge until youve been there. posted by F. garcia on November 05, 1999 at 15:31:11:

: perhaps you can't tell from my e-mail, but i'm a kid, age 15 : What i'm going to say is speaking from me and my freinds pov only, i dont know what some kin in new york or california thinks. : This is it: I know about 50 kids in my school well enough to have discussed politics with them, about 10% think that the u.s. govt. is genarally a good thing, about the same percent would take place at the lines in a revelution against the govt. I probibly would, myself. Dont judge until youve been there.SDF: Here's some help, some ways you can maybe bring your fifty friends to a realization of the historical truth. Have them read any of this stuff: LIES MY TEACHER TOLD ME by James W. Loewen A PEOPLE'S HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES by Howard Zinn anything by Noam Chomsky HISTORY ON TRIAL by Gary Nash et al.

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