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we could easily devise alternative sources of nutrition
Posted by: Captain Ahab ( Thar she blows, England ) on October 25, 1999 at 11:23:15:
In Reply to: What the #%@!? posted by Kevin Dempsey on October 25, 1999 at 01:08:03:

: That is about as intelligent an argument as saying, "If the death of a few people in Belgrade is the price WE have to pay to stop Milosevic, then okay" or "If the death of a few black slaves is the price WE have to pay to make our lives easier, so be it.": Give me a break. Who made you god over the right whales, to decide what their fate should be? Ah now if you're invoking God into this argument, don't forget that biblically speaking the animals/mammals of earth were put there for the use of the human race. However, if we are smart and think of ourselves as civilised we could easily devise alternative sources of nutrition - such as soya, quorn and vegetable based protein. For centuries, landlocked countries could not have had access to fish anyway and must have found alternatives - so can we.

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