- Anything Else -Not with THIS patient, I can't. 'One! Two! Three! ...Clear!'In Reply to: You can do better, DDN. posted by Samuel Day Fassbinder on October 13, 1999 at 12:40:20:
Yes, yes, I know I’m a little over the top here with my suggested solutions. I just wanted to show Miss Daisy what a small box she was working inside of, that some adults who are knowledgeable about public education would like to dismantle the ENTIRE THING and that suggestions like “throw more tax dollars at it” sound absolutely ludicrous to them. Of course I understand that there are higher systems level problems with my radical suggestions, but Miss Daisy isn’t thinking systematically ANYWAY; Her public school induced myopia is too severe. I don’t believe she would understand or appreciate a discourse at the level you are suggesting. There’s an outer shell that has to be breached first – the one that confines her to a belief that our largest societal institutions are fundamentally perfect and have only cosmetic flaws that need to be addressed. The mind of a typical US public highschool student is a flaccid, dead noodle on life support, not that of a political philosopher prepared to discuss the best way to wrest our minds back from the Corporate State. ![]() None.