: Well you believe that some kind of a "from each according to their ability to each accoridng to want" arrangement can be made I think that would require altrusistic sharing becoming really popular and plus who defines want? A lot of alchos and druggies would have a whale of a time spongiong of everyone else right?Evry defines what they need for themselves, the Drunks and Alcoholics would probably reduce in number, since such conditions tend to be effects of wider social and personal problems.
: Well I reckon it is but I consider from each according to ability to each according to work to be more realistic, John Rawls put this all better than me in his "theory of justice".
Thats the formulation in the 1935 Stalnist consitution- what about the old? What about the Sick & disabled? How do we rate each persons work? Do we callibrate according to the sale of their goods on the market? labour time vouchers? Strikes me as impossible to measure justly. Why should someone who is better at one thing, say making cricket balls, have a better life al round for it? Shouldn't their reweard be their capacity to make cricket balls, in itself?