: This may be a rash statement to make, and I fear much negative response from people on the message board, but has anyone noticed the great parallels that exist between carnivorous animal-killers and HITLER?!? How about the fact that millions of animals are MURDERED simlpy because certain humans deem them inferior and worthless (except to fill their gluttonous interiors) just as millions of PEOPLE were exterminated due to a delusion that many considered NORMAL!!! I am not trying to diminish the severity of genocide-such as the Holocaust-but rather to increase that of the senseless destruction of animal lives for a reason as completely ludicrous and unnatural as meat-eating.I think that the world needs a swift kick to it's consciousness in order to wake up and realize what a dangerous thing the meat-based diet really is, and acknowledge the ecological decay that is perpetuated by multinational fast food "restaurants" such as MCDONALD's, before we are literally eaten out of HOUSE AND HOME (being our natural environment)!!!!: --
: McSpotlight: You're right. It *is* a rash statement to make; Firstly, mentioning the Holocaust invokes Godwin's Law; secondly, as many meat-eaters will inform you with glee, Hitler was a vegetarian - therefore, vegetarians are all really Nazis in disguise.
: Not the most cogent argument, but on the whole, it's better not to try straining a faint analogy if you're just going to give your opponents a juicy target.
Yes, a very rash statement but it does reflect the depth of feeling on this matter. Personally, I don't eat meat because I don't need to - I do eat fish though and I quite like Quorn (not sure if you can get it in North America). As for the Nazi's,the genocide they committed was a racial policy and I don't think this is so with the meat industry which regards animals as a commodity to be processed. To put a stop to this the only real answer is to reverse the demand for meat - if it is no longer profitable they will simply stop producing it - just stop eating meat !! The BSE crisis over here was a good example of how demand can collapse almost overnight. The fact that new cases of BSE in cattle and humans seems to have been halted does not totally allay our fears that it might return - we have to consider the long incubation period for this disease. The point is though that as soon as consumers thought they might pick up this disease demand collapsed. If anybody in the UK reads this I should point out that personally I don't trust our farming industry at all - so I won't be giving them a second chance to poison me.