: : Stealing is to be looked as a universal 'wrong'... : I agree. Stealing is universally condemned in every society which has the notion of property. Some societies have no concept of "property", but that doesn't mean that they tolerate stealing, rather it means taht the concept fo stealing cannot exist; it would be like a bunch of eunuchs discussing adultery.
K: I'm not so sure about that. A society thta has no concpet of property, would still have goods and as such there would have to be some regulation of how these goods were used. For instance, say we have a communal lawn mower, that we all use one day per month. If some 'rouge' was to take the mower and keep it for say 5 years, would that not then be some kind of theft?
[Now i think about it HOW can one have a society without properrty. Even communal goods have an owner, the collective. Or perhaps i misunderstand you?]