- Anything Else -
I am not called Dr. Cruel for nothing, you know.
Posted by: Dr. Cruel on July 08, 1999 at 11:02:59:
In Reply to: screw fake courtesy posted by Nikhil Jaikumar on June 22, 1999 at 12:28:04:

Or, to tell the persistent enemies of said Establishment to find a quiet corner to self-stimulate within, preferably one out of the immediate area. And so forth.As to if I were to fall from a floating conveyance, into the icy brine; you may be quite sure my invective would be quite colorful, as well as long winded, fines be damned. I dare say I would strive to make the very flora wither at the power of my lurid prose, to punish Nature herself for her most uncalled for affront against my person. I am not called Dr. Cruel for nothing, you know.

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