Crime is caused by the gain to be had from criminal behavior. It is true that societies bound by a rigid cultural system have lower crime rates (as witness Japan and Switzerland) but this is hardly because of a lack of 'fear'. In point of fact, banishment amongst the Pygmies is akin to a death sentence, and is likely a very effective deterrent to aberrant behavior. A lack of items to steal, and the practically ludicrous thought of attempting to hide a criminal act in a group as small as a tribe probably goes a long way towards explanation as well.The fact is, as societies become more productive, and correspondingly complex, the avenues for crime exponentially expand (for example, the opportunities for commodities fraud are fairly slim amongst traditional aboriginies). It does not necessarily follow that such advanced economies are thus 'flawed'. The engaging in complex economic behavior is the sign of an advanced society, not a 'sick' one. Individuals correctly see their opportunities for self expression expand from such an arrangement. It does not seem unusual to me that some portion of these activities might be perceived as criminal (indeed, to a Marxist, most economic activity in a capitalist society would be judged as 'criminal').
Given my acknowledged addiction to the 'opiates' of superior technology and personal affluence, I believe I shall pass on the Pygmy life-style. You may donate my gourd to some deserving noble savage, for I should like to take my chances in the concrete jungle - presuming, of course, that the option is available. I do not doubt that many of the better educated amongst this dimunitive set would have a similar feeling, given the opportunity.