: If it's such a good question then answer it. First, if you need to search the entire world and find Pygmies as your positive true example of collectivist thought, I suggest you are missing a few points.OK, So i'm not Nikhil, but since you so casually ducked out of our last debate, maybe we can get back to it.
: 1. Is there no downside to the Pygmie culture?
I'm no pygmie expert, but I am sure there are downsides to most things known to man-period. I have read a fair amount about various indiginous peoples though and have come away with great awe & respect at how wonderful the simplicity. If you are trully happy, as they generaly seem to be, what more could you want? Why add 'stuff' & nonsense to complicate matters? If a culture has survived for hundreds of years successfully, happily and with massive, massive(etc) amounts LESS damage to the resources that sustain them (viz: earth)They have been far Superior to any western culture (hahaha)
: 2. Are you apprised of all the facts in the matter of Pygmie culture?
None of us are even aware of ALL the facts in the matters of our OWN culture, so??
: 3. Is there no upside to capitalism when compared to Pygmie culture?
If you consider personal greed an upside then hell yes! But if the concern is for the Greater good, then hell no! Ultimately, whether you choose to admit it or remain in dillusional denial, the earth can not sustain our culture much longer AS Things Stand! Drastic changes are required. We are using our resources far faster than the earth can sustain.
: 4. Can the Pygmie culture be sustainable if projected to cover the entire planet?
HA! HA! Are you really serious? For the love of god man!!! Look at how long they have survived and compare that with our cultures record breaking consuming, depletion, destruction, mass starvation yadayada!!!
: 5. Do you support any particular practical plan to impose Pygmie values upon me?
They have medication for paranoia now days, but to humor you, No, we would not be so cruel as to wish simple life, peace, love and happiness on you, This would just be too much for any man to take-hehe. I know you have a lease on theology and i'm am banned, according to what I gathered from previous posts, but I still stand by my point which is, I trully believe that this is the ideal Jesus held. There are no 2 ways. Humans are too susceptible to greed to make capitolism work for everyone. If knowing that someone must starve for you to be wealthy and you still choose to be wealthy, you are no true christian or decent person in my eyes.
: Secondly, answer my question. What happens when an anarchist steps out of line. Do you really assume that collectivist systems solve crime problems?
Do you ever hear of serial killers, rapists, bank robbers, etc. in pygmie culture and their like...of course not. greed breeds these type of criminals, lack of love, structure, support, resources, hope, pride - because the system can't provide for all, and even when you don't have 'stuff' our culture teaches us that we should have 'stuff' so we have that mind set. We place higher value on 'stuff' in our culture than anything else. We feel bad when we can't afford a SUV! How patheticly disgusting, when some people don't even have food. We are bred to think we DESERVE luxury, then piss & moan when we don't. So in answer to your question, yes, I think they can and have and do. And if we all (cultures) put our heads together, we could come up with great things.