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The Cursing Canoeist
Posted by: Jeff on June 24, 1999 at 12:42:36:
In Reply to: ??? posted by Kevin Dempsey on June 22, 1999 at 01:02:51:

: Well, I have no idea what incident you are writing of, but for want of another argument, I'll say that children develop language skills based first and foremost on mimicry. They repreat what they hear. That being said, I do not believe that the word "fuck" is inherently evil, but it tends to be used in anger or hatred, which is less than nurturing for young children. If the word was used in a hateful context, then I do not begrudge the family for being upset, especially if it was directed at them. To take your arguments to an extreme, would you suggest that hate-crime legislation is wrong? Should all homosexual people and people of visible minority and women all stay home so that hateful congregations of people can express their hostilities in public?A couple of weeks ago court tv broadcast a trial which they decided to dub "The Cursing Canoeist" trial. The (true of course) story goes: A 25 year old man(Tim Boomer) was on vacation w/ friends in michigan, canoeing on a river. The canoe apparently hit a rock, and Boomer fell out of the canoe. What happened next was in dispute at the trial, but there was a grown couple, also canoeing in close proximatey to Boomer and his group, who claimed on the witness stand that after Boomer fell out of the canoe he proceeded to launch into a tirade, screaming obsceneties at his friends for five to seven minutes. They claim he used the word fuck from 50 to 75 times, all directed at his friends, in phrases such as "You fucking bitches" and "I hate this fucking trip" and just plain "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" A deputy also patrolling the area heard him cursing too, and issued him a ticket, for in michigan it is against the law to use "obscene laguage". Boomer chose to fight the ticket in court, where an attorney from the ACLU defended him. Boomer didnt take the stand, but his fellow canoers and attorney claimed that he only said the word fuck a few times and was never in an angry tirade, but simply having fun. He was convicted of the "crime" and faces the possibility of 90 days in jail and a fine (sentencing delayed until after the appeal). My opinion: The couple completely over exaggerated the entire thing in an effort to justify, to themselves and everyone else, their ignorant reaction to and anger over a complete strangers curse words. I believe Boomer was pissed when he fell out and did in fact loudly, angrily curse at his friends, but not for an unbelievable 5 to 7 minute ranting, raging tirade. My outrage comes over the actual law which states no one is permitted to use curse words in the presence of woman and/or children. No one, especially some sick, bible quoting, backwoods thinking law has to right to dictate to another human being which specific words cannot be uttered. If I want to say the word fuck instead of any or all other words then I should be able to do so. I should be able to say whatever words I want to say, without fear of being criminally prosecuted. If I choose to say fuck and you and your children are around it may be in bad taste, but in no way should it be considered a crime! I agree that children should not be subject to angry, hateful verbal outbursts which could possibly scare them, however the use of specific words cannot be criminalized. The law doesnt state that one cannot use angry, agressive tones in front of woman and children, it states that one cannot use obscene words-and that is just shear stupidity. The ignorant mother did not frantically cover her two year old childs ears in an effort to shield him from the angry tone of Boomer, she did it so the child would not hear the specific words Boomer was using- words in which two and five year old children cannot comprehend. This case was about the specific words Boomer used, and I maintain that he should have had every legal right to use whatever words he chose to use. I also believe his lawyer purposely lost the case so this rediculous law can be challenged in a court of appeals. This has NOTHING to do w/ hate crimes. This case and law reminds me of the mentality of gang members who will kill you if you "disrespect" them. Boomer "disrespected" the couple, their prescious children and all of society by cursing, and immedaitly ignorant minds conjure up all hell being created by these evil words- and our children need to be shielded from these terrible words or they will grow up to be bad, bad people who shoot their classmates. Wake up people, words dont harm children; ignorance does. The law must be changed. Where does it end? Is use of the word fLuck considered a crime? How about the word fuckle? If, in the presence of children, I angrily call you a mother flucken, dict suckin, crunt lickin asp hole is that a crime? How could it be, when those words are not the words which are considered "obscene"? Or are they? How many letters must be changed before the word is no longer considered to be "obscene"? Who decides? Its total insanity!

Follow Ups:
- two cents Floyd Self-Righteous Ranters' society Unit Shifters Anonymous June 25 1999