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: : McSpotlight: By the biomass measure of success, I'd say that ants and roaches are superior creatures *g*: You reckon, I'd have thought 6 billion humans would outweigh pretty much all the ants going, Oak trees 'ld be giving us a run for our money.... :)
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: McSpotlight: You'd be surprised. To quote a simple page on the subject:
"The diversity of the insects is staggering. Approximately three quarters of all animals are insects and the proportion on land is much greater, as virtually all non-insects live in the oceans. Insects have adapted to every habitat on land except for the polar regions (where it is impossible for them to survive, as only warm-blooded animals can withstand the cold). : Despite the relatively short life span (compared to terrestrial vertebrates) of the insects, their high fecundity produces by far the largest biomass among animals."
McS. I just read an article about insects that can live in winter, even saw a photo of them walking on snow. These were in MN, I believe. They're taking over, hahaha.