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Did I say that?
Posted by: Stuart Gort ( USA ) on June 03, 1999 at 10:07:32:
In Reply to: What ever you choose to define him as posted by Nikhil Jaikumar on June 01, 1999 at 12:42:20:

:: Back to Bhutan. My point was precsiely that Bhutan is NOT right wing, nor is it left wing. Bhutan doesn't fit well into our dichotomy- although it is environmentally consciosu, it is also highly traditional, so oit doesn't amke sense to say that claims against human superioirty are the exclsuive province of the left.I didn't use the word exclusive to refer to the left's grasp on animal rights issues nor did I completely aquit the right of it. But don't even try to make the case that the animal rights movement is not a leftist issue in this country or any other western country. For the record, next time I say left or right I'm referring to American politics. Forgive my nationalism but Bhutan politics don't register on my scale. Stuart Gort

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