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A common misconception
Posted by: Floyd ( Erisian Liberation Front, Unit Shifters Anonymous ) on June 03, 1999 at 00:05:39:
In Reply to: best person or filling quota?? posted by alicia on June 01, 1999 at 12:44:02:

: Affirmative action is not about letting in "qualified" minorities it is about filling quota. This is wrong the best person should get the job based on their skills not that a company is required to have so many blacks so many females so many asians.Actually, Alicia, this is just not true. Affirmative Action programs have a few problems, no doubt, but "quotas" are not among them. In fact, there is not a "level playing field" in this country; some people have access to critical resources that are not as readily available to others. There is a book called "On Being Different" by Conrad Kotak and Catherine Kozaitis (1999) that might help clear up some of these issues. It's definitely worth reading if you're interested in the issues of merit and "race."

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