: :: BUT HOMOSEXUALITY IS NATURAL. IT OCCURS IN NATURE. CHIMPS DO IT. DOGS DO IT. WILD PIGS DO IT. HUMANS DO IT. THEY HAVE ALWAYS DONE IT. THEY ALWAYS WILL DO IT. IT IS NORMAL!!!: Good! And if you feel compelled to marginalize any moral claim I may make against the practice can we please dispense with the moral arguements which condemn meat eating? Please? The animal kindom can be our moral compass from now on.
Hey, that's a really good point if on the one hand no one's to eat meat which is something they've always done because it's "Right" then it's equally valid to say dont shag someone of the same gender it's not right too.
If it's natural for animals to eat each other why dont humans? Because we arent the same as animals.
McSpotlight: So cannibalism has never happened?