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More Warning Signs
Posted by: Deep Daddio Nine on April 26, 1999 at 13:55:45:
In Reply to: Warning Signs posted by Deep Daddio Daddio on April 23, 1999 at 10:18:26:

Wow, I'm learning all kinds of interesting things from parents, educators, and child psychologists in the wake of the Columbine High slaughter.Did you know that "discipline" was the number one cure for suicidal depression and homicidal pathologies? Yep, if you find your child plotting mass murder and making suicide pacts with heavily armed friends, what they need is a good spanking while you shout "Bad, homicidal maniac! Bad!" I understand that this has worked like a charm on the criminaly insane in mental institutions throughout the world. Hopefully, U.S. parents will pick up on this technological breakthrough and start beating their kids when they're not completely ignoring them. Sounds like a winning formula to me. Its so wonderful to live in a country with such profoundly insightfull parents and professionals working together to destroy humanity one family at a time.

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